
The installation of our mirror and glass tv’s will be carried out by a team of Oled Mirror TV professionals who have been installing the monitors and the glass for more than 16 years. Our team consists of a number of trained and certified E-installers, with a VCA diploma. From our experience, we know what is and is not possible to be able to fully guarantee the installation. Your complete installation can be outsourced to us with peace of mind. Approximately 90% of the dealers leave the installation of the glass and the monitor to us. We work safely and punctually!

The basis

In many cases we receive a request from an architect, a dealer or the client early on in the process. Being involved from the start at a building meeting, a proper plan of action can be made. The contractor and domotica specialist know where they stand avoiding any unnecessary or duplication of work afterwards. 

Important details
Details are crucial for a proper installation from our side but also the (sub)contractor. Crucial for the installation is that the walls must be straight and recessed coves must be square. For example, the contractor and the plasterer need to use a cross laser to ensure walls are straight over a great length

Walls and fireplace mounting
Our installation also covers rear walls for fitness areas and/or the mounting of a complete fireplace using fire-resistant material.


Questions or contact

If you have questions about Residential, Commercial, Hospitality or Marine or other products and options, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to tell you more about the many possibilities of our products and are ready to convert your desire for a customized design into eye-catching reality. You can also contact us for the prices of our products.

You can call 0031- (0) 654 708556, send an e-mail to, or use the contact form below. We will of course contact you as soon as possible.